I found a hierarchical tagging Django app called django-categories that I wanted to use in a project. There were a couple of things that I wanted to fix so I forked it and for one reason or another started to build in Python 3 support.
I’ve heard about Python 3. I’ve even written some small programs in it. But library support wasn’t really there back when I tried it and I slunk back to the comfort of Python 2.7. It turns out that all the dependencies for django-categories work in Python 3 and I found a few tools that make version portable code a snap to write. Maybe 2014 is the year of py3k.
I haven’t been up to anything major; just chilling out around the net.
Buck sent out this link to an awesome talk on unicode and python. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Definitely worth watching ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ).
I’ve been reading PGP & GPG, which has been a great introduction to setting up and using Gnu Privacy Guard. Still working through it but you can get a copy over at cointagion.com pretty easily if you’re in the market for a fun tech read. I can haz public key!
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)
In other news, foodler.com has been doing a solid job of turning bitcoins into food. all4btc.com will hopefully do a solid job of turning bitcoins into amazon orders…will have to see how it goes.
Oh, I’ve also been working on a small Clojure web app to show my recent daily pictures. Check it out!
Yelp had a hackathon this past Thursday and Friday. Zak and I built a pretty neat whale using three.js. I tried to get it up on S3 but it only kinda works in firefox and completely bombs on webkit browsers…will have to figure that out. In the mean time here’s an old video of our last hackathon project: Bleep Bloop, I am code companion.
Still working on my picture-a-day project. Finally figured out how to load and scale all the images in a directory using Clojure. Always frustrating to do stuff with a new languge at first but it’s starting to feel good in my brain.