Spent most of the day getting a first draft of a refactored btcpy
library together for PeerAssets.
A package from Pi Supply arrived!
I voted (and got a sticker)!
Woo, finally bought a bag of coffee! :coffee:
Yoga, jogged 2 laps, DuoLingo.
News from The New York Times:
I tried to fix the broken PyPeerAssets build but network tests keep flaking.
Spent the bulk of the day looking at how to make https://github.com/PeerAssets/btcpy able to operate with different network constants. I also got the unit tests running with the refactor except there are some changes we made to accommodate Peercoin that will have to be abstracted away… perhaps tomorrow :zzz:
Jogged two laps, yoga, DuoLingo.
News from The Washington Post:
Worked on setting up “seeder nodes” for Primecoin (https://github.com/belovachap/primecoin-seeder). Waiting on a couple of full nodes to sync up before starting the DNS servers.
Still working on protocol message structures in C#. Would like to get to an initial application that shows the communications between Primecoin nodes 🙂 Ultimately I’d like to build a mining module and a simple wallet for a stand-alone distributed Primecoin app on Windows 😀