
Heartbeat – Friday, June 1st, 2018


…drinks coffee…

Music from YouTube:

Yoga and jogged two laps. Scrolled through Twitter, scrolled through Facebook.

News from The New York Times:

  • US imposes steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada, Mexico and the EU. Canada, Mexico and the EU begin to place tariffs on American exports.
  • The EPA has a proposal to remove stricter car emissions standards under review by the White House Office of Management and Budget. California will likely attempt to maintain the stricter standards as they have the right to set their own from the 1970 Clean Air Act.
  • Political uncertainty in Spain as the Parliament garners enough votes to oust current Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. Mr. Rajoy’s party was recently convicted of corruption.
  • A bill to revamp the decades-old Higher Education Act is having trouble finding a path to law. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos introduces her own changes to Higher Education in the interim.
  • President Trump pardoned Dinesh D’Souza on Thursday for illegally donating $20,000.00 to a political candidate in 2014. Mr. D’Souza holds very conservative views and is a major detractor of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Esperanto drills on DuoLingo.

Spent the afternoon and evening digging into how the Primecoin reference client establishes network connections and communicates over them. Small amount of progress made in porting it to C#.


Heartbeat – Thursday, May 31st, 2018

…drinks coffee…

News from The San Francisco Chronicle:

  • SF Mayor Mark Farrell re-endorsed the San Francisco Shipyard housing development. Area to be tested for radiation contamination from time as Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.
  • Texas Governor Greg Abbot released recommendations to help prevent school shootings in the wake of one at Santa Fe High School in Houston, Texas.
  • A Russian journalist exiled in Ukraine faked his own death in concert with police to foil a $40,000.00 hit placed on him by the Russian security service.
  • Global markets reacted unfavorably to political turmoil in Italy. President Sergio Mattarella refused to appoint a euro-skeptic economy minister popular with the 5-Star Movement and League parties. He instead appointed former IMF official Carlo Cottarelli to run a politically neutral government.

I’ve been playing Diablo III for the first time. It’s a very pretty game and I like collecting equipment but there’s not much of a challenge to it. Like wandering through a grim fairy tale while constantly clicking. Maybe someday I can replay it on higher difficulty 🙂

Jogged a couple of laps. Did a little yoga.

News from Reddit:

Some WordPress wisdom on why there are both Categories and Tags:

Heartbeat Life Newspaper PeerAssets Peercoin Photos Programming Raspberry Pi

Heartbeat – Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

Peerchemist (one of the Peercoin developers) made an interesting transaction today: It’s always exciting when something runs “in production” for the first time 🙂

News from The Washington Post:

  • “Roseanne” is cancelled after Roseanne makes a racist tweet.
  • Terrible flood in Ellicott City, Maryland.

Jogged around Kezar Stadium twice. Came back to discover a package from Pi Supply!

And here’s a piece of the painting from Croatia that keeps me company in “the back office”:

Signed up for all the insurances ($$$$!) 🙂

Finished making the automated test suite for pypeerassets pass. There’s some heavy global state in the btcpy library that forced me to “punt” on fixing some tests, marking them as “known to fail”. We’ll have to work on btcpy more.