
the state of things

The View from SXSW Interactive

hi internet

I’ve been running around downtown Austin in the rain listening to some great talks at SXSW interactive this weekend. My iPhone Notes app has been filling up with a bunch of interesting new podcasts, websites, tutorials, projects, etc. that I’ll be checking out once the frenzy is over and reporting back on here.

Here’s a non-SXSWi tutorial that I need to read on Vala / GNOME development.

More SXSWi tomorrow and Tuesday! The weather finally cleared up to boot so maybe I can get over to the ScreenBurn Arcade without getting soaked.

have a great week!


the state of things

A close-up of a blue chair
I really liked the color.

hi internet

I don’t remember the context for stumbling on this blog post but it got me to searching for the GNOME HIG, which I should read sometime.

Extra work activities are probably going to be even slower this week with SXSW Interactive hitting town. I’ve never been to anything SXSW related before so it’s exciting! And kind of overwhelming…some veterans from last year are going to give me some pro tips to get me through it. I’ll have to let you know how it goes.

have a great week!


the state of things

ceiling in the new office
It's all cubes if you look down a little more...

hi internet

I started out the week trying to make a screen cast using recordMyDesktop and Lombard but was having a terrible time getting the video to export. Since I had clips of varying sizes I worked on a program that I could use to scale all the videos to the same dimensions thinking that might help. Unfortunately, even when the clips had the same width/height I wasn’t getting the output I expected. I’ve since filed a bug and set off to read the Lombard source code.

It’s been slow going but with the help of the GStreamer Application Development Manual, GStreamer docs, Valadoc, and a random gnonlin tutorial things are coming together bit by bit.

The weather is great in Texas right now, btw. Best get outside now before you are driven back indoors by the fiery torment that is Texas summer.

have a great week!